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It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gums and tissues that surround the teeth, but also  implants.  Thus it achieves the restoration of the lost supporting hard and soft tissues.

He is constantly involved in soft and hard tissue transplants. Implants (natural and artificial) have been used in the field of Periodontics for many years and are fully compatible with the human body.

By maintaining the health, function and aesthetics of dental and peritoneal tissues throughout the life of the individual.

In addition, an important area of Periodontics is the plastic surgery and microsurgery of the gums in cases of their loss, so the teeth look longer and create aesthetic problems in the smile of the person.


Periodontitis is a microbial disease and unfortunately, based on large epidemiological studies, it is found in 50% of the population over the age of 30. This practically means that one in two adults over the age of 30 is ill. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for its treatment. In its early stages, this can be done successfully by the general dentist, but in more advanced stages it requires monitoring and treatment by a specialized periodontist.

A specialized Periodontist works permanently in our clinic, so that we can offer a complete and complete treatment.

In summary, frequent (every 3-6 months) visits to the Dentist and Periodontist are very important for maintaining a dental barrier for life.

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